Vincent Reina
Vincent Reina, 63 years old, has a great experience , he has been involved for many years in the service of the Franco-Arab Chamber of Commerce. His constant commitment naturally led him to the position of first French Vice-President in December 2012.
He was elected President of the Franco-Arab Chamber of Commerce on June 2, 2016.
Mr. Reina has a rich professional career, both in the corporate world and in the public sphere.
After starting his career in the field of public works, Mr. Reina decided to devote himself to the Paris municipal involvement: a discreet man, faithful and pugnacious, he climbed the ranks one by one to become from 1983 to 2001, councilor of a Paris district, second and first deputy mayor of the 9th district, councilor of Paris, general councilor, and finally deputy mayor of Paris, in charge of school and university affairs, urban planning, housing and architecture.
In 2002, he naturally returned to his original passion, the corporate world : he chose to dedicate himself to the very important water sector by integrating DEGREMONT as Commercial Director in charge of contracts for the construction of sewage treatment plants, and in 2008 to SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT.
Finally, he was appointed Development Director Delegate of SUEZ Holding, a French giant for water, waste and sanitation, with an annual turnover of €15 billion, 80.000 employees.
This long experience in a group present in the international scale and in the Arab world, specializing in the protection, optimization and production of essential resources, is a considerable asset for the Franco-Arab Chamber of Commerce.
Let's add a little personal touch , Mr. Reina was born in Tunis, an intimate bond unites him to the Arab world that he knows well.